Privacybeleid - EU
Laatste herziening in maart 2022
Welkom op onze website (de “Website”). Lees ons Privacybeleid zorgvuldig door.
- Onze verbintenissen
Iedereen heeft recht op bescherming van zijn/haar Persoonsgegevens. Wij respecteren het recht van gebruikers om te worden geïnformeerd over het verzamelen van en andere handelingen met hun Persoonsgegevens. Bij het gebruik van persoonsgegevens die u direct of indirect persoonlijk kunnen identificeren, passen wij het principe van strikte noodzaak toe. Daarom hebben wij de Website zo ontworpen dat het gebruik van uw Persoonsgegevens tot een minimum beperkt blijft, en niet verder gaat dan de doeleinden waarvoor uw Persoonsgegevens verzameld en/of verwerkt zijn; wij verwerken uw Persoonsgegevens niet wanneer wij u diensten kunnen verlenen door gebruik te maken van anonieme of verkeersgegevens (zoals marketingonderzoek ter verbetering van onze diensten, browsegegevens die worden verwerkt om u aangepaste inhoud of aanbiedingen te kunnen bieden die aangepast zijn aan uw voorkeurstaal, uw locatie enz.), of op een andere manier waarmee wij u kunnen identificeren, behalve wanneer dit strikt noodzakelijk is of op verzoek van bevoegde overheidsinstanties of de politie (bijvoorbeeld als het gaat om verkeersgegevens of uw IP-adres).
Ten behoeve van de Wetgeving inzake Gegevensbescherming (die hieronder wordt gedefinieerd) wordt VAN NOTEN ANDRIES NV - een vennootschap met een maatschappelijk kapitaal van 197.315,08 euro met statutaire zetel op het adres Godefriduskaai 36, 2000 Antwerpen (België), ingeschreven in de Kruispuntbank van Ondernemingen van Antwerpen onder nr. 0429 064 553 - beschouwd als de verwerkingsverantwoordelijke voor uw Persoonsgegevens (hierna 'Dries Van Noten' of de 'Vennootschap’ genoemd). De Vennootschap verbindt zich er hierbij toe om alle informatie die een gebruiker online verstrekt, als strikt vertrouwelijk te behandelen.
Dit Privacybeleid heeft betrekking op persoonlijke informatie waarmee een gebruiker kan worden geïdentificeerd wanneer hij of zij onze Website bezoekt, de diensten ervan gebruikt en/of formulieren op onze Website invult waarbij hij of zij al dan niet een product koopt (bijvoorbeeld: naam, adres, e-mailadres, financiële informatie van de gebruiker) ('Persoonsgegevens'). Dit Privacybeleid helpt u te begrijpen hoe de Vennootschap uw Persoonsgegevens verzamelt en gebruikt, en voor welke doeleinden, en somt uw rechten op met betrekking tot uw Persoonsgegevens.
Door deze Website te gebruiken, begrijpt u dat uw persoonsgegevens worden verwerkt in overeenstemming met dit Privacybeleid. Als u niet wilt dat uw persoonsgegevens worden verwerkt, maak dan geen gebruik van de Website.
U moet eventuele wijzigingen van Persoonsgegevens bij onze Klantenservice melden, om ervoor te zorgen dat de informatie in onze dossiers op elk moment actueel en nauwkeurig is. U bent in elk geval verantwoordelijk voor de nauwkeurigheid van de verstrekte Persoonsgegevens, en wij behouden ons het recht voor om de verlening van de gevraagde diensten op te schorten of te onderbreken als u onjuiste Persoonsgegevens verstrekt, onverminderd enige wettelijk toegestane actie.
Voor problemen of vragen met betrekking tot dit Privacybeleid kunt u contact opnemen met onze Klantenservice door een e-mail te sturen naar
- Toepasselijk recht
Alle Persoonsgegevens die via de Website naar de Vennootschap worden verzonden, zullen door de Vennootschap worden verzameld en/of verwerkt overeenkomstig EU-verordening 2016/679 betreffende de bescherming van natuurlijke personen in verband met de verwerking van persoonsgegevens en betreffende het vrije verkeer van die gegevens (Algemene verordening gegevensbescherming of AVG), maar onverminderd eventuele toepasselijke lokale dwingende wetten ten gunste van consumenten, in overeenstemming met EU-verordening 593/2008 ('ROME I') van 17 juni 2018, of eventuele andere toepasselijke collisieregels, al naargelang het geval (samen de 'Wetgeving inzake Gegevensbescherming’ genoemd).
- Wie verzamelt en verwerkt uw Persoonsgegevens, hoe en voor welke doeleinden?
De Vennootschap kan uw Persoonsgegevens voor verschillende doeleinden verzamelen en verwerken.
Uw Persoonsgegevens kunnen worden verwerkt om de e-commercediensten te verlenen waarop u zich hebt geabonneerd, of die voorbehouden zijn voor geregistreerde gebruikers, met name om bestellingen uit te voeren die u hebt geplaatst voor goederen of diensten via de Website, om contact met u op te nemen in verband met eventuele problemen met uw bestelling, of wanneer wij uw Persoonsgegevens aan onze dienstverleners moeten verstrekken in verband met uw bestellingen van producten en meer in het algemeen alles wat verband houdt met onze commerciële relatie (hierin de 'Commerciële Doeleinden' genoemd). Dries Van Noten wordt beschouwd als de verwerkingsverantwoordelijke voor uw Persoonsgegevens die voor Commerciële Doeleinden op de Website worden verzameld en verwerkt, aangezien Dries Van Noten de doeleinden van en de middelen voor de verwerking van Persoonsgegevens voor die Commerciële Doeleinden bepaalt.
Uw Persoonsgegevens kunnen ook worden verwerkt voor marketingdoeleinden, met name om gebruikers, ook via een nieuwsbrief, commerciële communicatie, informatie en updates toe te sturen over onze producten, aanbiedingen, samplings, exclusieve verkoopacties, promotiecampagnes en over evenementen en soortgelijke initiatieven die worden georganiseerd door Dries Van Noten en/of andere bedrijven van Puig Group, of om u gemakkelijker op de Website te laten surfen (hierin de 'Marketingdoeleinden' genoemd). Dries Van Noten wordt beschouwd als de verwerkingsverantwoordelijke voor uw Persoonsgegevens die voor Marketingdoeleinden op de Website worden verzameld en verwerkt, aangezien Dries Van Noten de doeleinden van en de middelen voor de verwerking van Persoonsgegevens voor die Marketingdoeleinden bepaalt.
Voor de bovengenoemde doeleinden heeft Dries Van Noten bepaalde entiteiten aangesteld die ook Persoonsgegevens met betrekking tot de Gebruikers van de Website zullen verwerken (hierin de 'Verwerkers' genoemd).
De bovengenoemde dienstverleners en Verwerkers zijn gekozen vanwege hun ervaring met het verwerken van Persoonsgegevens en zij bieden voldoende garanties met betrekking tot de naleving van de Wetgeving inzake Gegevensbescherming (inclusief de technische beveiligingsmaatregelen voor de uit te voeren verwerking). Bij de verwerking van Persoonsgegevens voor Commerciële Doeleinden handelen de Verwerkers uitsluitend volgens de instructies van Dries Van Noten. Wij controleren regelmatig of onze Verwerkers onze instructies naleven, en of zij voldoende garanties blijven bieden met betrekking tot hun volledige naleving van de Wetgeving inzake Gegevensbescherming voor de verwerking van Persoonsgegevens.
De Verwerkers van uw Persoonsgegevens voor de bovengenoemde doeleinden zijn:
- De Klantenservice van de Vennootschap, voor doeleinden die verband houden met de verzending, levering en retournering van producten die op de Website gekocht zijn, en klantenservice aan gebruikers van de Website;
- Computerdiensten, voor doeleinden die verband houden met het hosten van de servers van de Vennootschap;
- Betalingsplatforms, voor doeleinden die verband houden met de betalingsmethode en de uitvoering ervan;
- Logistieke diensten, voor doeleinden die verband houden met de verzending en levering en retournering van de producten die op de Website gekocht zijn.
- Marketingdiensten, voor de analyse van het gebruik van onze Website, het verzenden van berichten, het beheren van reclame-inhoud enz.
Uw Persoonsgegevens worden meestal elektronisch verwerkt en in sommige gevallen op papier, zoals wanneer de verwerking van uw Persoonsgegevens nodig is om fraude op de Website te voorkomen. Uw Persoonsgegevens worden zodanig opgeslagen dat wij u kunnen identificeren gedurende de periode die nodig is voor de doeleinden waarvoor de gegevens verzameld en vervolgens verwerkt zijn, en in elk geval in overeenstemming met de Wetgeving inzake Gegevensbescherming. Uw Persoonsgegevens worden niet bekendgemaakt aan derden, behalve aan ons, voor doeleinden die wettelijk niet toegestaan zijn, of zonder uw toestemming.
Naast de Verwerkers die aangesteld zijn voor de verwerking van Persoonsgegevens, worden uw Persoonsgegevens ook ter beschikking gesteld van derden, autonome verwerkingsverantwoordelijken, voor doeleinden die verband houden met het verlenen van door Gebruikers gevraagde diensten (bijvoorbeeld voor kooptransacties), of voor doeleinden van derden. Raadpleeg hoofdstuk 6 (Aan wie zullen uw Persoonsgegevens worden bekendgemaakt) voor meer informatie over deze kwestie.
Voor de Marketingdoeleinden kunnen we uw Persoonsgegevens en browsegegevens ('Verkeersgegevens') die voortvloeien uit het gebruik van de Website en onze diensten door Gebruikers, verwerken om Gebruikers op maat gemaakte inhoud en aanbiedingen met betrekking tot onze diensten te kunnen bieden, of om een nieuwsbrief te kunnen bezorgen waarop ze zich hebben geabonneerd, behoudens hun discretionaire recht om hun abonnement op een dergelijke nieuwsbrief in te trekken of bezwaar te maken tegen het ontvangen van reclame- of marketinginhoud die volgens ons interessant is voor een specifieke Gebruiker. Voor Marketingdoeleinden worden Persoonsgegevens en Verkeersgegevens meestal elektronisch verwerkt en in elk geval voor ons opgeslagen, in overeenstemming met de Wetgeving inzake Gegevensbescherming, en ter beschikking gesteld van onze Verwerkers.
Bovendien kunnen uw Persoonsgegevens worden doorgegeven aan de overheidsinstanties (bv. politie, justitie) volgens het toepasselijke recht en op formeel verzoek van dergelijke entiteiten, bijvoorbeeld wanneer wij fraude op de Site moeten voorkomen (antifraudediensten).
Gegevensverwerkers zullen ook toegang hebben tot uw Persoonsgegevens, zoals wordt vermeld in hoofdstuk 4, voor de specifieke doeleinden die daarin worden vermeld. In alle bovenstaande gevallen is uw toestemming voor het verwerken van gegevens niet vereist, aangezien het verwerken van Persoonsgegevens noodzakelijk is voor het bereiken van Commerciële Doeleinden.
De redenen voor het verzamelen van Persoonsgegevens worden uitdrukkelijk vermeld in de privacyverklaring die wij van tijd tot tijd presenteren op de pagina waarop wij de Gebruiker vragen zijn of haar Persoonsgegevens te verstrekken, hetzij voor Commerciële Doeleinden, hetzij voor Marketingdoeleinden. Wij hebben mogelijk toegang tot Persoonsgegevens van derden die rechtstreeks door hun Gebruikers bekendgemaakt zijn, bijvoorbeeld wanneer een Gebruiker een product heeft gekocht dat naar een vriend moet worden verzonden, wanneer de Gebruiker die voor het product betaalt, niet de ontvanger van het product is, of wanneer een Gebruiker een vriend een dienst van de Website of de verkoop van een bepaald product wil aanbevelen.
Zorg er in alle bovenstaande gevallen voor dat u de toestemming van deze personen krijgt voordat u hun Persoonsgegevens aan ons bekendmaakt, en zorg ervoor dat u hen op de hoogte brengt van dit Privacybeleid; u zult de enige persoon zijn die aansprakelijk is in verband met de bekendmaking van informatie en gegevens met betrekking tot deze derden, als zij u hiervoor niet vooraf hun uitdrukkelijke toestemming hebben gegeven, en voor elk oneigenlijk en onwettig gebruik van deze informatie. In elk geval zullen wij elke wettelijke verplichting nakomen om derden te informeren en, indien nodig, zullen wij hun expliciete toestemming vragen bij het registreren in hun archieven van de Persoonsgegevens van de aangegeven Gebruiker.
- Op welke wettelijke basis worden uw persoonsgegevens verwerkt?
De verwerking van uw Persoonsgegevens wordt op verschillende gronden (wettelijke basis) gerechtvaardigd, afhankelijk van het gebruik dat de Vennootschap van de Persoonsgegevens maakt.
In sommige gevallen vraagt de Vennootschap uw toestemming om uw Persoonsgegevens te verwerken.
In bepaalde omstandigheden staat de Wetgeving inzake Gegevensbescherming ons echter toe om uw Persoonsgegevens te verwerken zonder dat wij daarvoor uw toestemming hoeven te vragen.
Hieronder vindt u de rechtsgronden en bewaartermijnen die de Vennootschap toepast op haar belangrijkste verwerkingsactiviteiten:
- Toestemming: u stemt in met de verwerking van uw Persoonsgegevens door middel van een uitdrukkelijke toestemming (selectievakje, klikken enz.). U kunt deze toestemming op elk moment intrekken;
- Het contract: de verwerking van Persoonsgegevens is noodzakelijk voor de uitvoering van het contract waarmee u hebt ingestemd;
- Het gerechtvaardigd belang: de Vennootschap heeft een commercieel belang om uw gegevens te verwerken. Dit belang is gerechtvaardigd, evenwichtig en tast uw privacy niet aan. Behoudens uitzonderingen kunt u op elk moment bezwaar maken tegen een verwerking op basis van het gerechtvaardigd belang door de Vennootschap hiervan op de hoogte te brengen.
- De wet: de verwerking van uw Persoonsgegevens wordt verplicht gesteld door de toepasselijke regelgeving.
Doel van de verwerking |
Wettelijke basis |
Bewaartermijn |
Commerciële doeleinden |
Contract |
5 jaar vanaf de datum van de bestelling |
Marketingdoeleinden |
Toestemming |
3 jaar vanaf de laatste activiteit |
Uitoefening van gegevensrechten |
Wet |
5 jaar vanaf de datum van het verzoek |
- Wat gebeurt er als u uw Persoonsgegevens niet aan ons bekendmaakt?
Het is noodzakelijk om ons uw Persoonsgegevens te verstrekken (in het bijzonder uw persoonlijke gegevens, uw e-mailadres, uw adres, uw credit-/debitcardnummers en bankcode en uw telefoonnummer) voor de verwerking van uw bestelling voor de aankoop van producten op de Website, voor het op uw verzoek verlenen van andere diensten die op de Website worden aangeboden, of wanneer uw Persoonsgegevens nodig zijn om verplichtingen na te komen die door wet- of regelgeving worden vereist. Als u weigert om ons bepaalde Persoonsgegevens te verstrekken die nodig zijn voor de bovenstaande doeleinden, kan dit tot gevolg hebben dat wij uw bestelling voor de aankoop van producten die op de Website worden verkocht, niet kunnen verwerken, of dat wij niet kunnen voldoen aan verplichtingen die door de wet en andere regelgeving worden opgelegd. Daarom kan het niet-verstrekken van Persoonsgegevens in sommige gevallen een legitieme en gerechtvaardigde reden zijn om uw bestelling voor de aankoop van producten die op de Website worden verkocht, niet te verwerken, of om de diensten van de Website niet te verlenen.
De bekendmaking van verdere Persoonsgegevens aan ons, behalve de gegevens die nodig zijn voor het nakomen van wettelijke of contractuele verplichtingen en om op de juiste manier door onze diensten te browsen met de nodige verkeersgegevens, is daarentegen optioneel en heeft geen enkel effect op het gebruik van de Website en de bijbehorende diensten of op de aankoop van producten op de Website. Wij zullen u bij elke stap informeren of het verstrekken van uw Persoonsgegevens aan ons verplicht of optioneel is, door met een toepasselijk symbool (*) aan te geven welke informatie verplicht is of welke gegevens nodig zijn voor de aankoop van producten op de Website.
- Aan wie zullen uw Persoonsgegevens worden bekendgemaakt?
Persoonsgegevens worden bekendgemaakt aan externe bedrijven die, namens de Vennootschap, specifieke diensten verlenen als Gegevensverwerkers, of aan andere ontvangers van door ons verzamelde Persoonsgegevens die uw Persoonsgegevens alleen verwerken voor Commerciële Doeleinden en, in elk geval, volgens het toepasselijke recht en de toepasselijke regelgeving.
Uw Persoonsgegevens zijn ook bestemd voor de bedrijven die deel uitmaken van Puig Group, en die hun statutaire zetel in EU-landen of niet-EU-landen hebben, voor hun eigen Marketingdoeleinden.
Niettegenstaande het voorgaande worden Persoonsgegevens niet bekendgemaakt aan andere derden of verspreid of doorgegeven zonder onze Gebruikers van een dergelijke bekendmaking/verspreiding/doorgifte op de hoogte te brengen, en in elk geval in overeenstemming met het toepasselijke recht.
- Beveiligingsmaatregelen en bewaartermijn
Wij hebben beveiligingsmaatregelen genomen om Persoonsgegevens te beschermen tegen onopzettelijke of onwettige vernietiging, onopzettelijk verlies, wijziging, ongeoorloofde bekendmaking of toegang, en tegen alle andere redenen voor gegevensverwerking die niet in overeenstemming zijn met ons Privacybeleid.
Om uw Persoonsgegevens zo goed mogelijk te beschermen buiten de grenzen van onze controle en het beheer ervan, is het raadzaam om uw computer te voorzien van software die de verzending/ontvangst van netwerkgegevens beschermt (zoals bijgewerkte antivirussystemen), en dat uw internetprovider passende maatregelen neemt voor de beveiliging van de verzending van netwerkgegevens (zoals bijvoorbeeld firewalls en antispamfiltering).
Wij zullen uw Persoonsgegevens alleen zolang bewaren als nodig is om de in deze Privacyverklaring beschreven doelen te bereiken. Wanneer wij uw Persoonsgegevens niet langer hoeven te verwerken voor de doeleinden die in deze Privacyverklaring worden uiteengezet, zullen wij uw Persoonsgegevens uit ons systeem verwijderen.
- Doorgifte van uw Persoonsgegevens naar andere landen
De Persoonsgegevens die wij van u verzamelen, worden momenteel bewaard binnen de Europese Unie ('EU'). Het is echter mogelijk dat die Persoonsgegevens in de toekomst buiten de EU worden doorgegeven, opgeslagen en/of verwerkt.
Door uw Persoonsgegevens te verstrekken, gaat u akkoord met deze doorgifte, opslag en/of verwerking. U moet zich ervan bewust zijn dat landen buiten de EU mogelijk niet hetzelfde niveau van gegevensbescherming bieden als de EU. Wij zullen echter redelijke stappen ondernemen om ervoor te zorgen dat uw Persoonsgegevens een gelijkwaardige bescherming krijgen in overeenstemming met de Wetgeving inzake Gegevensbescherming, in het bijzonder door adequate contractuele voorwaarden op te nemen in onze overeenkomsten met zakenpartners die te maken hebben met de doorgifte van Persoonsgegevens, om ervoor te zorgen dat de Persoonsgegevens worden verwerkt volgens onze instructies, en op een zodanige manier dat de integriteit en veiligheid ervan gehandhaafd blijven.
- Uw rechten met betrekking tot uw Persoonsgegevens
Hieronder vindt u een overzicht van de rechten waarover u beschikt in verband met uw Persoonsgegevens.
Voor uw gemak, en onverminderd bepaalde formele vereisten die worden uiteengezet in de Wetgeving inzake Gegevensbescherming, kunt u elk van deze rechten uitoefenen door contact met ons op te nemen via
- Recht om uw toestemming in te trekken:
U kunt op elk moment de toestemming intrekken die u aan de Vennootschap geeft voor het verwerken van uw Persoonsgegevens. Houd er echter rekening mee dat, wanneer u uw toestemming intrekt of op een andere manier bezwaar maakt tegen de verwerking van uw Persoonsgegevens, dit vervolgens invloed kan hebben op ons vermogen om u goederen te leveren en diensten te verlenen, of de functionaliteit van onze Website kan beïnvloeden.
Als u bovendien op welk moment ook wilt stoppen met het ontvangen van toekomstige marketingberichten, -mededelingen en -informatie, kunt u dit ook doen door op de link 'Afmelden' te klikken die in al onze e-mailmarketingberichten staat.
- Recht op toegang tot uw Persoonsgegevens die in ons bezit zijn:
U hebt het recht om op elk moment van ons een bevestiging te krijgen of wij uw Persoonsgegevens al dan niet verwerken en, indien dit het geval is, toegang te krijgen tot die Persoonsgegevens.
Bovendien hebt u het recht om van ons alle informatie te ontvangen die vermeld staat in Artikel 15.1 van de AVG, bijvoorbeeld informatie over de bron van uw Persoonsgegevens; de doeleinden en de manier van verwerking van uw Persoonsgegevens; de logica die betrokken is bij elke elektronische gegevensverwerking; details van de verwerkingsverantwoordelijke en van de gegevensverwerkers; de namen van de entiteiten en categorieën van entiteiten aan wie uw Persoonsgegevens kunnen worden bekendgemaakt, of die toegang hebben tot uw Persoonsgegevens, bijvoorbeeld als een verwerkingsverantwoordelijke of een partij die zo aangesteld is.
- Recht op rectificatie van onjuiste Persoonsgegevens:
U hebt het recht om van ons te verkrijgen dat onjuiste Persoonsgegevens die wij bewaren en die op u betrekking hebben, zonder onnodige vertraging worden gecorrigeerd. Dit omvat het recht om te vragen dat onvolledige Persoonsgegevens worden aangevuld.
- Recht op gegevenswissing:
U hebt het recht om van ons te verkrijgen dat Persoonsgegevens die wij bewaren en die op u betrekking hebben, zonder onnodige vertraging worden gewist, onder de omstandigheden die worden bepaald in de Wetgeving inzake Gegevensbescherming.
- Recht op beperking van de verwerking:
U hebt het recht om de manier waarop wij uw Persoonsgegevens verwerken, te beperken onder de omstandigheden die worden bepaald in de Wetgeving inzake Gegevensbescherming.
- Recht op overdraagbaarheid van gegevens:
U hebt het recht om de Persoonsgegevens die u ons hebt verstrekt, in een gestructureerd, algemeen gebruikt en machinaal leesbaar formaat van ons te ontvangen, en u hebt het recht om deze gegevens zonder belemmering van onze kant naar een andere verwerkingsverantwoordelijke door te sturen. Dit recht omvat het recht om van ons te eisen dat wij de relevante Persoonsgegevens namens u aan een andere verwerkingsverantwoordelijke doorgeven, indien dit technisch haalbaar is. Dit recht is alleen van toepassing op persoonsgegevens: (i) waarvoor wij uw toestemming krijgen om ze te verwerken; of (ii) die wij verkrijgen voor de nakoming van onze contractuele verplichtingen jegens u, en in elk geval voor zover wij uw Persoonsgegevens op geautomatiseerde wijze verwerken.
- Recht om een klacht over ons in te dienen:
U hebt het recht om een klacht in te dienen bij een bevoegde toezichthoudende autoriteit, in het bijzonder in de Lidstaat van uw gebruikelijke verblijfplaats, de plaats waar u werkt of de plaats van de vermeende inbreuk, indien u van mening bent dat de verwerking van uw persoonsgegevens in strijd is met de Wetgeving inzake Gegevensbescherming.
- Opt-in/opt-out
Telkens wanneer uw toestemming nodig is, zal de Vennootschap u hiervan vooraf op de hoogte brengen en u de mogelijkheid bieden om uw toestemming voor het gebruik van uw Persoonsgegevens, inclusief uw e-mailadres, voor de bovengenoemde doeleinden te geven of te weigeren, door de daarvoor bestemde vakjes aan te vinken.
Wij willen u ervan op de hoogte brengen dat wij uw Persoonsgegevens in bepaalde omstandigheden ook zonder uw toestemming kunnen verwerken, zoals wanneer een dergelijke verwerking noodzakelijk is voor de nakoming van een wettelijke verplichting waaraan wij gebonden zijn, of wanneer een dergelijke verwerking noodzakelijk is voor de nakoming van verplichtingen die in contracten met de gebruikers aangegaan zijn.
- Contacten
U kunt op elk moment contact opnemen met de Vennootschap via het e-mailadres voor eventuele problemen of vragen met betrekking tot dit Privacybeleid en uw Persoonsgegevens die aan de Vennootschap verstrekt zijn, of als u meer informatie wenst te ontvangen over hoe wij uw Persoonsgegevens verwerken.
- Wijzigingen aan en bijwerking van dit Privacybeleid
Wij kunnen dit Privacybeleid geheel of gedeeltelijk wijzigen of gewoon bijwerken, ook wanneer er wijzigingen worden aangebracht aan wettelijke bepalingen of voorschriften die de bescherming van gegevens regelen en uw rechten beschermen. De wijzigingen aan en de bijwerking van het Privacybeleid zijn bindend zodra ze op de Website in dit gedeelte gepubliceerd zijn.
Dit Privacybeleid is bijgewerkt in maart 2022
© VAN NOTEN ANDRIES NV., 2022. Alle rechten voorbehouden.
Last update in March 2022
Welcome to our website (the “Website”). Please read our Privacy Policy carefully.
- Our commitments
Everyone has the right to protection of his/her Personal Data. We respect users' right to be informed regarding the collection of and other operations involving their Personal Data. In using data that may directly or indirectly identify you personally, we will apply a principle of strict necessity. For this reason, we have designed the Website in such a way that the use of your Personal Data will be kept to a minimum and will not exceed the purposes for which your Personal Data was collected and/or processed; we do not process your Personal Data when we can provide you with services through the use of anonymous or traffic data (such as marketing research made for improving our services, browsing data processed to provide you with customized contents or offers adapted to your preferred language, your location, etc.) or by other means which allow us to identify you, apart from when it is strictly necessary or upon request by competent public authorities or the police (for example, in case of traffic data or your IP address).
For the purposes of the Data Protection Legislation (as defined below), VAN NOTEN ANDRIES NV. - a company with a registered capital of 197.315,08 euros with registered office at Godefriduskaai 36, 2000 Antwerp (Belgium), incorporated with the Crossroads Bank for Enterprises of Antwerp under nº 0429 064 553 - shall be considered as the controller of your Personal Data (hereinafter, “Dries Van Noten” or the “Company”). The Company hereby undertakes to treat any and all information provided online by a user as strictly confidential.
This Privacy Policy relates to personal information identifying any user when accessing our Website, using its services and/or filling in forms on our Website with or without purchasing any product (for example: user’s name, address, email address, financial information) (“Personal Data”). This Privacy Policy helps you understand how the Company collects and uses your Personal Data and for which purposes and lists your rights in relation to your Personal Data.
for the accuracy of your provided Personal Data in our files, please communicate any changes to our Customer Service. Therefore, we can ensure that the information contained in our files is, always, up-to-date and accurate. We reserve the right to suspend or interrupt the provision of the requested services should you provide inaccurate Personal Data, without prejudice to any action allowed by law.
For any issues or questions relating to this Privacy Policy you can contact to our Customer Service:
- Email:
- Telephone: +1 888 698 2164
- Applicable law
Any and all Personal Data sent to the Company through the Website will be collected and/or processed by the Company pursuant to the EU Regulation 2016/679 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data (General Data Protection Regulation or GDPR), without prejudice however to any applicable local mandatory laws benefitting to consumers, in accordance with EU Regulation 593/2008 (“ROME I”) of 17 June 2018, or any other conflict of laws rules applicable as the case may be (together, “Data Protection Legislation”).
- Who collects and processes Your Personal Data, how and for which purposes?
The Company may collect and process your Personal Data for a variety of different purposes.
Your Personal Data may be processed to provide the e-commerce services you subscribed to or reserved for registered users, notably to fulfill orders that you have placed for goods or services through the Website, to contact you in relation to any issues with your order or where we need to provide your Personal Data to our service providers in relation to your orders of products and more generally anything related to our commercial relationship (herein the "Commercial Purposes"). Dries Van Noten shall be considered as the controller of your Personal Data collected and processed on the Website for Commercial Purposes, as it determines the purposes and means of processing Personal Data for such Commercial Purposes.
Your Personal Data may also be processed for marketing purposes, notably to send to users, also through newsletter, commercial communications, information and updates on our products, offers, samplings, exclusive sales, promotional campaigns and on events and similar initiatives organized by Dries Van Noten and/or any companies of Puig Group, or to facilitate your navigation on the Website (herein the "Marketing Purposes"). Dries Van Noten shall be considered as the controller of your Personal Data collected and processed on the Website for Marketing Purposes, as it determines the purposes and means of processing Personal Data for such Marketing Purposes.
For the above-mentioned purposes, Dries Van Noten has appointed certain entities that will also process Personal Data relating to the Website’s Users (herein the "Processors").
The above-mentioned service providers and Processors have been chosen because of their experience in processing Personal Data and they provide sufficient guarantees regarding compliance with Data Protection Legislation (including the technical security measures governing the processing to be carried out). In processing the Personal Data for Commercial Purposes, the Processors shall act only under the instructions from Dries Van Noten. We regularly check that our Processors comply with our instructions and that they continue to provide sufficient guarantees regarding their full compliance with Data Protection Legislation on Personal Data processing.
The Processors of your Personal Data for the above-mentioned purposes are:
- Company’s Customer service, for purposes related to the shipping, delivery and return of products purchased on the Website and customer service to users of the Website;
- Computer services, for purposes related to hosting Company’s servers;
- Payment platforms, for purposes related to the payment method and its execution;
- Logistic services, for purposes related to shipping and delivery and return of the products purchased on the Website.
- Marketing services, for the analysis of use of our Website, sending communications, managing advertising content, etc.
Your Personal Data is mostly processed by electronic means and, in some circumstances, by paper-based means, such as when the processing of your Personal Data is required for preventing fraud on the Website. Your Personal Data shall be stored in a way which allows us to identify you for the period necessary for the purposes which the data was collected for and subsequently processed and, in any case, in accordance with Data Protection Legislation. Your Personal Data shall not be disclosed to third-parties other than us for purposes which are not permitted by law or without your consent.
Aside from the Processors appointed for Personal Data processing, your Personal Data will be made available also to third-parties, autonomous controllers, for purposes related to supplying services requested by Users (for example, for purchase transactions) or for purposes of third-parties. For more information on the matter, see section 6 (To Whom Your Personal Data Will Be Disclosed).
For the Marketing Purposes, we may process your Personal Data as well as browsing data ("Traffic data") resulting from the use of the Website and of our services by any User, in order to provide Users with customized contents and offers on our services or to deliver any newsletter they subscribed to, subject to their discretionary right to withdraw their subscription to such newsletter or to oppose or object to the receiving of any advertising or marketing content which we think is of interest to a specific User. For Marketing Purposes, Personal Data and Traffic data is mostly processed by electronic means and shall be stored for us in any case, in accordance with Data Protection Legislation and available to our Processors.
Moreover, your Personal Data may be disclosed to the public authorities (e.g. police, judicial) according to applicable laws and upon a formal request by such entities, for example in the event we need to prevent fraud on the Site (anti-fraud services).
Data processors will also have access to your Personal Data as stated in section 4 for the specific purposes stated therein. In all the above circumstances, your consent for data processing is not required as Personal Data Processing would be necessary for the performance of Commercial Purposes.
The reasons for collecting Personal Data will be expressly listed in the information of privacy statement that we will present from time to time on the page asking the User to provide his or her Personal Data, be it for Commercial Purposes or for Marketing Purposes. We may have access to third-parties' Personal Data which was directly disclosed by its Users, for example when a User bought a product to be sent to a friend, when the User paying for the product is different from the recipient of the product, or when a User wishes to recommend to a friend a service of the Website or the sale of a particular product.
In all of the above cases, please make sure you receive the consent of such individuals before disclosing their Personal Data to us and make sure you inform them about this Privacy Policy; you will be the only person liable in connection with the disclosure of information and data regarding such third-parties if they have not provided you with their prior explicit consent for it and for any improper and unlawful use of that information. In any event, we shall fulfil any obligation to inform third-parties required by law and, when necessary, shall request their explicit consent upon registering in their archives the Personal Data of the User indicated.
- What Happens if You Do Not Disclose Your Personal Data to us?
Granting your Personal Data to us (in particular, your personal details, your e-mail address, your address, your Credit/Debit Card numbers and bank code and your telephone number) is necessary for processing your order for the purchase of products on the Website, supplying other services provided on the Website upon your request, or when your Personal Data is needed to fulfil obligations required by law or regulations. The refusal to provide us with some of your Personal Data necessary for performing the above purposes may consequently prevent us from processing your order for the purchase of products sold on the Website or fulfilling obligations required by law and other regulations. Therefore, failing to provide Personal Data may constitute, in some cases, a legitimate and justified reason for not processing your order for the purchase of products sold on the Website or not providing the Website’s services.
Disclosure of further Personal Data to us other than that required for fulfilling legal or contractual obligations and to properly browse our services with necessary traffic data is, on the contrary, optional and does not have any effect on the use of the Website and of its services or on the purchase of products on the Website. We will inform you at every step whether disclosing your Personal Data to us is compulsory or optional by marking with an appropriate symbol (*) the information that is compulsory or data needed for the purchase of products on the Website.
- To whom your Personal Data will be disclosed?
Personal Data will be disclosed to third-party companies that provide, on behalf of the Company, specific services as data Processors or to other recipients of Personal Data collected by us that process your Personal Data only for the Commercial Purposes and, in any case, according to applicable laws and regulations.
Your Personal Data is also intended to the companies belonging to Puig’s Group, with registered offices in EU countries or non-EU countries, for their own Marketing Purposes.
Notwithstanding the foregoing, Personal Data will not be disclosed to any other third-parties or disseminated or transferred without informing our Users of such disclosure/dissemination/transfer, and, in any case, in accordance with the applicable laws.
- Security Measures and length of conservation
We have adopted security measures to protect Personal Data against accidental or unlawful destruction, accidental loss, alteration, unauthorized disclosure or access, and against all other reasons for data processing that do not comply with our Privacy Policy.
For the best possible protection of your Personal Data outside the limits of our control and management of the same, it is advisable that your computer be provided with software devices that protect network data transmission/receipt (such as updated antivirus systems) and that your Internet service provider take appropriate measures for the security of network data transmission (such as, for example, firewalls and anti-spam filtering).
We will only hold your Personal Data for so long as is necessary for us to fulfil the purposes set out in this Privacy Notice. Where we no longer need to process your Personal Data for the purposes set out in this Privacy Notice, then we will delete your Personal Data from our system.
- Transfer of your Personal Data to other countries
The Personal Data we collect from you is currently held within the European Union (‘EU’). However, it is possible that in the future such Personal Data may be transferred, stored and/or processed outside the EU.
By submitting your Personal Data, you agree to this transfer, storing and/or processing. You should be aware that countries outside the EU may not offer the same level of data protection as the EU. However, we will take reasonable steps to ensure that your Personal Data is given equivalent protection in accordance with the Data Protection Legislation, in particular by implementing adequate contractual conditions in our agreements with business partners dealing with transfer of Personal Data to ensure that Personal Data are processed according to our instructions, and in such a way to maintain their integrity and security.
- Opt-in/Opt out
Each time your consent is required, the Company will inform you in advance and will give you the option to either provide or refuse your consent for the use of your Personal Data, including your e-mail address, for the above purposes, by ticking the appropriate boxes.
We wish to inform you that we may process your Personal Data also without your consent in certain circumstances, such as when such processing is necessary for performing a legal obligation to which we are subject or when such processing is necessary for performing obligations undertaken in contracts with the users.
- Contacts
You may contact the Company at any time at the following email address for any concern or question regarding this Privacy Policy and your Personal Data provided to the Company, or of you wish to receive further information on how we process your Personal Data.
- Amendments and updating of this Privacy Policy
We may amend or simply update all or part of this Privacy Policy, including when amendments are made to legal provisions or regulations which govern data protection and protect your rights. The amendments and the updating of the Privacy Policy shall be binding as soon as they are published on the Website in this section.
For our customers in California
This PRIVACY NOTICE FOR CALIFORNIA RESIDENTS supplements the information contained in Privacy Policy and applies only to visitors, users, and others who reside in the State of California (“consumers” or “you”). We adopt this notice to comply with the California Consumer Privacy Act of 2018 (“CCPA”) and other California privacy laws. Any terms defined in the CCPA have the same meaning when used in this notice.
Information We Collect
We collect information that identifies, relates to, describes, references, is capable of being associated with, or could reasonably be linked, directly or indirectly, with a particular consumer or device (“personal information”). In particular, we have collected the following categories of personal information from consumers within the last twelve (12) months:
Category |
Examples |
Collected |
A. Identifiers. |
A real name, alias, postal address, unique personal identifier, online identifier, Internet Protocol address, email address, account name, Social Security number, driver's license number, passport number, or other similar identifiers. |
B. Personal information categories listed in the California Customer Records statute (Cal. Civ. Code § 1798.80(e)). |
A name, signature, Social Security number, physical characteristics or description, address, telephone number, passport number, driver's license or state identification card number, insurance policy number, education, employment, employment history, bank account number, credit card number, debit card number, or any other financial information, medical information, or health insurance information. Some personal information included in this category may overlap with other categories. |
C. Protected classification characteristics under California or federal law. |
Age (40 years or older), race, color, ancestry, national origin, citizenship, religion or creed, marital status, medical condition, physical or mental disability, sex (including gender, gender identity, gender expression, pregnancy or childbirth and related medical conditions), sexual orientation, veteran or military status, genetic information (including familial genetic information). |
D. Commercial information. |
Records of personal property, products or services purchased, obtained, or considered, or other purchasing or consuming histories or tendencies. |
E. Biometric information. |
Genetic, physiological, behavioral, and biological characteristics, or activity patterns used to extract a template or other identifier or identifying information, such as, fingerprints, faceprints, and voiceprints, iris or retina scans, keystroke, gait, or other physical patterns, and sleep, health, or exercise data. |
NO |
F. Internet or other similar network activity. |
Browsing history, search history, information on a consumer's interaction with a website, application, or advertisement. |
G. Geolocation data. |
Physical location or movements. |
NO |
H. Sensory data. |
Audio, electronic, visual, thermal, olfactory, or similar information. |
NO |
I. Professional or employment-related information. |
Current or past job history or performance evaluations. |
NO |
J. Non-public education information (per the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (20 U.S.C. Section 1232g, 34 C.F.R. Part 99)). |
Education records directly related to a student maintained by an educational institution or party acting on its behalf, such as grades, transcripts, class lists, student schedules, student identification codes, student financial information, or student disciplinary records. |
NO |
K. Inferences drawn from other personal information. |
Profile reflecting a person's preferences, characteristics, psychological trends, predispositions, behavior, attitudes, intelligence, abilities, and aptitudes. |
NO |
Personal information does not include:
- Publicly available information from government records.
- De-identified or aggregated consumer information.
- Information excluded from the CCPA's scope, like:
- health or medical information covered by the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 (HIPAA) and the California Confidentiality of Medical Information Act (CMIA) or clinical trial data;
- personal information covered by certain sector-specific privacy laws, including the Fair Credit Reporting Act (FRCA), the Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act (GLBA) or California Financial Information Privacy Act (FIPA), and the Driver's Privacy Protection Act of 1994.
We obtain the categories of personal information listed above from the following categories of sources:
- Directly from our customers or their agents. For example, from information that our customers provide in order to facilitate the purchase of our products.
- Indirectly from our clients or their agents. For example, through information we collect from our customers in the course of providing products to them.
- Both directly and indirectly from activity on our website (
Use of Personal Information
We may use or disclose the personal information we collect for one or more of the following business purposes:
- To fulfill or meet the reason for which the information is provided. For example, if you provide us with your address, we will use this information to ship products to you.
- To provide you with information, products or services that you request from us.
- To provide you with email alerts, event registrations and other notices concerning our products or services, or events or news, that may be of interest to you.
- To carry out our obligations and enforce our rights arising from any contracts entered into between you and us.
- To improve our website and present its contents to you.
- For testing, research, analysis and product development.
- As necessary or appropriate to protect the rights, property or safety of us, our clients or others.
- To respond to law enforcement requests and as required by applicable law, court order, or governmental regulations.
- As described to you when collecting your personal information or as otherwise set forth in the CCPA.
- To evaluate or conduct a merger, divestiture, restructuring, reorganization, dissolution, or other sale or transfer of some or all of our assets, whether as a going concern or as part of bankruptcy, liquidation, or similar proceeding, in which personal information held by us is among the assets transferred.
We will not collect additional categories of personal information or use the personal information we collected for materially different, unrelated, or incompatible purposes without providing you notice.
Sharing Personal Information
We may disclose your personal information to a third party for a business purpose. When we disclose personal information for a business purpose, we enter a contract that describes the purpose and requires the recipient to both keep that personal information confidential and not use it for any purpose except performing the contract.
In the preceding twelve (12) months, we have disclosed the following categories of personal information for a business purpose:
Category A: Identifiers.
Category B: California Customer Records personal information categories.
Category C: California Protected Class information
Category D: Commercial Information
We disclose your personal information for a business purpose to the following categories of third parties:
- Our affiliates.
- Service providers.
- Third parties to whom you or your agents authorize us to disclose your personal information in connection with products or services we provide to you.
In the preceding twelve (12) months, we have not sold any personal information.
Your Rights and Choices
The CCPA provides consumers (California residents) with specific rights regarding their personal information. This section describes your CCPA rights and explains how to exercise those rights.
Access to Specific Information and Data Portability Rights
You have the right to request that we disclose certain information to you about our collection and use of your personal information over the past 12 months, or longer if the period requested starts no earlier than January 1, 2022 provided that our fulfilment of such request is possible and is not unduly burdensome. Once we receive and confirm your verifiable consumer request, we will disclose to you:
- The categories of personal information we collected about you.
- The categories of sources for the personal information we collected about you.
- Our business or commercial purpose for collecting or selling that personal information.
- The categories of third parties with whom we share that personal information.
- The specific pieces of personal information we collected about you (also called a data portability request).
- If we sold or disclosed your personal information for a business purpose, two separate lists disclosing:
- sales, identifying the personal information categories that each category of recipient purchased; and
- disclosures for a business purpose, identifying the personal information categories that each category of recipient obtained.
Deletion & Correction Request Rights
You have the right to request that we delete or correct any of your personal information that we collected from you and retained, subject to certain exceptions. Once we receive and confirm your verifiable consumer request, we will correct or delete (and direct our service providers to delete) your personal information from our records, unless an exception applies.
We may deny your deletion request if retaining the information is necessary for us or our service providers to:
- Complete the transaction for which we collected the personal information, provide a good or service that you requested, take actions reasonably anticipated within the context of our ongoing business relationship with you, or otherwise perform our contract with you.
- Detect security incidents, protect against malicious, deceptive, fraudulent, or illegal activity, or prosecute those responsible for such activities.
- Debug products to identify and repair errors that impair existing intended functionality.
- Exercise free speech, ensure the right of another consumer to exercise their free speech rights, or exercise another right provided for by law.
- Comply with the California Electronic Communications Privacy Act (Cal. Penal Code § 1546 seq.).
- Enable solely internal uses that are reasonably aligned with consumer expectations based on your relationship with us.
- Comply with a legal obligation.
- Make other internal and lawful uses of that information that are compatible with the context in which you provided it.
We may deny your correction request if we determine that the information that you are seeking to correct is accurate, we cannot verify your identity, or your request is manifestly unfounded or excessive.
Exercising Access, Data Portability, Correction and Deletion Rights
To exercise the access, data portability, correction and deletion rights described above, please submit a verifiable consumer request to us by email at
Only you or a person registered with the California Secretary of State that you authorize to act on your behalf, may make a verifiable consumer request related to your personal information. You may also make a verifiable consumer request on behalf of your minor child.
You may only make a verifiable consumer request for access or data portability twice within a 12-month period. The verifiable consumer request must:
- Provide sufficient information that allows us to reasonably verify you are the person about whom we collected personal information or an authorized representative.
- Describe your request with sufficient detail that allows us to properly understand, evaluate, and respond to it.
We cannot respond to your request or provide you with personal information if we cannot verify your identity or authority to make the request and confirm the personal information relates to you. Making a verifiable consumer request does not require you to create an account with us. We will only use personal information provided in a verifiable consumer request to verify the requestor's identity or authority to make the request.
When handling requests to correct, we may require you to provide documentation that rebuts the information that we have on file. In determining whether such documentation is necessary, we will have regard to:
(A) The nature of the personal information at issue (e.g., whether it is objective, subjective, unstructured, sensitive, etc.).
(B) The nature of the documentation upon which we consider the personal information to be accurate (e.g., whether the documentation is from a trusted source, whether the documentation is verifiable, etc.)
(C) The purpose for which we collect, maintain, or use the personal information. For example, if the personal information is essential to the functioning of our business, we may require more documentation.
(D) The impact on you. For example, if the personal information has a negative impact on you, we may require less documentation.
We may delete the contested personal information as an alternative to correcting the information if the deletion of the personal information does not negatively impact you or where you consent to the deletion.
When responding to a request to correct, we will inform you whether we have complied with your question to correct, and if we have not, we will provide the basis for such action.
Response Timing and Format
We endeavor to respond to a verifiable consumer request within 45 days of its receipt. If we require more time (up to 90 days), we will inform you of the reason and extension period in writing. We will deliver our written response by mail or electronically, at your option. Any disclosures we provide will only cover the 12-month period preceding the verifiable consumer request's receipt. The response we provide will also explain the reasons we cannot comply with a request, if applicable. For data portability requests, we will select a format to provide your personal information that is readily useable and should allow you to transmit the information from one entity to another entity without hindrance.
We do not charge a fee to process or respond to your verifiable consumer request unless it is excessive, repetitive, or manifestly unfounded. If we determine that the request warrants a fee, we will tell you why we made that decision and provide you with a cost estimate before completing your request.
We will not discriminate against you for exercising any of your CCPA rights. Unless permitted by the CCPA, we will not:
- Deny you goods or services.
- Charge you different prices or rates for goods or services, including through granting discounts or other benefits, or imposing penalties.
- Provide you a different level or quality of goods or services.
- Suggest that you may receive a different price or rate for goods or services or a different level or quality of goods or services.
Sensitive Personal Information
California residents are permitted to request that businesses do not use their Sensitive Personal Information for purposes other than those directly related to the provision of services, or other limited purposes as set out by California law. Sensitive Personal Information includes social security numbers, financial account information, precise geolocation data, account login details and credit/debit card numbers. It is our policy to only use this information for the purposes of providing services to you. We currently store the following sensitive information: financial account information, account login details and credit card numbers. We do not process this information for purposes of inferring characteristics from those of whom we store Sensitive Personal Information
Changes to Our Privacy Notice
We reserve the right to change this privacy notice at our discretion and at any time. When we make changes to this privacy notice, we will notify you by email or through a notice on our website homepage.
Contact Information
If you have any questions or comments about this notice, our Privacy Statement, the ways in which we collect and use your personal information, your choices and rights regarding such use, or wish to exercise your rights under California law, please do not hesitate to contact us at:
Phone: +1 888 698 2164
For residents of Colorado, Connecticut and Virginia
If you are a Colorado, Connecticut, or Virginia resident, you have the right to request access to, or correction or deletion of, your personal information; or to opt out of the processing of your personal information for targeted advertising purposes or the sale of your personal information. Certain advertising practices that we engage in, such as providing you with email alerts, event registrations and other notices concerning our products or services, or events or news that may be of interest to you, may be deemed targeted advertising or a “sale” under some state laws.
You can exercise these rights by submitting a request to Before processing your request, we will take reasonable steps to verify your identity, which will include verifying that the email address from which you submit the request matches the email address we maintain on file for you.
For residents of Utah
This section applies solely to Utah residents and supplements our Privacy Policy above. If you are a Utah resident, you have the right to:
- request access to your personal information;
- request the deletion of personal information you have provided to us;
- opt-out of the processing of your sensitive information; or
- opt out of the processing of your personal information for targeted advertising purposes or the sale of your personal information. Certain advertising practices we engage in may be deemed targeted advertising.
You can exercise these rights by submitting a request to Before processing your request, we will take reasonable steps to verify your identity, which will include verifying that the email address from which you submit the request matches the email address we maintain on file for you.
This Privacy Policy has been updated in July 2023
© VAN NOTEN ANDRIES NV., 2023. All rights reserved.
Last update in March 2022
Welcome to our website (the “Website”). Please read our Privacy Policy carefully.
1. Our commitments
Everyone has the right to protection of his/her Personal Data. We respect users' right to be informed regarding the collection of and other operations involving their Personal Data. In using data that may directly or indirectly identify you personally, we will apply a principle of strict necessity. For this reason, we have designed the Website in such a way that the use of your Personal Data will be kept to a minimum and will not exceed the purposes for which your Personal Data was collected and/or processed; we do not process your Personal Data when we can provide you with services through the use of anonymous or traffic data (such as marketing research made for improving our services, browsing data processed to provide you with customized contents or offers adapted to your preferred language, your location, etc.) or by other means which allow us to identify you, apart from when it is strictly necessary or upon request by competent public authorities or the police (for example, in case of traffic data or your IP address).
For the purposes of the Data Protection Legislation (as defined below), VAN NOTEN ANDRIES NV. - a company with a registered capital of 173.000.000,00 euros with registered office at Godefriduskaai 36, 2000 Antwerp (Belgium), incorporated with the Antwerp Trade and Companies Register under nº 0429 064 553 - shall be considered as the controller of your Personal Data (hereinafter, “Dries Van Noten” or the “Company”). The Company hereby undertakes to treat any and all information provided online by a user as strictly confidential.
This Privacy Policy relates to personal information identifying any user when accessing our Website, using its services and/or filling in forms on our Website with or without purchasing any product (for example: user’s name, address, email address, financial information) (“Personal Data”). This Privacy Policy helps you understand how the Company collects and uses your Personal Data and for which purposes and lists your rights in relation to your Personal Data.
By using this Website, you accept the practices described in this Privacy Policy. If you do not want to accept the practices described in this Privacy Policy, please do not use the Website.
You must communicate to our Customer Service any changes to Personal Data in order to ensure that the information contained in our files is, at all times, up-to-date and accurate. You are responsible, in all cases, for the accuracy of the Personal Data provided, and we reserve the right to suspend or interrupt the provision of the requested services should you provide inaccurate Personal Data, without prejudice to any action allowed by law.
For any issues or questions relating to this Privacy Policy you can contact to our Customer Service:
2. Applicable law
Any and all Personal Data sent to the Company through the Website will be collected and/or processed by the Company pursuant to the EU Regulation 2016/679 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data (General Data Protection Regulation or GDPR) and the UK GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation) and Data Protection Act 2018, without prejudice however to any applicable local mandatory laws benefitting to consumers, in accordance with EU Regulation 593/2008 (“ROME I”) of 17 June 2018, or any other conflict of laws rules applicable as the case may be (together, “Data Protection Legislation”).
3. Who collects and processes Your Personal Data, how and for which purposes?
The Company may collect and process your Personal Data for a variety of different purposes.
Your Personal Data may be processed to provide the e-commerce services you subscribed to or reserved for registered users, notably to fulfill orders that you have placed for goods or services through the Website, to contact you in relation to any issues with your order or where we need to provide your Personal Data to our service providers in relation to your orders of products and more generally anything related to our commercial relationship (herein the "Commercial Purposes"). Dries Van Noten shall be considered as the controller of your Personal Data collected and processed on the Website for Commercial Purposes, as it determines the purposes and means of processing Personal Data for such Commercial Purposes.
Your Personal Data may also be processed for marketing purposes, notably to send to users, also through newsletter, commercial communications, information and updates on our products, offers, samplings, exclusive sales, promotional campaigns and on events and similar initiatives organized by Dries Van Noten and/or any companies of Puig Group, or to facilitate your navigation on the Website (herein the "Marketing Purposes"). Dries Van Noten shall be considered as the controller of your Personal Data collected and processed on the Website for Marketing Purposes, as it determines the purposes and means of processing Personal Data for such Marketing Purposes.
For the Commercial Purposes only, Dries Van Noten has appointed certain entities that will also process Personal Data relating to the Website’s Users (herein the "Processors").
The above-mentioned service providers and Processors have been chosen because of their experience in processing Personal Data and they provide sufficient guarantees regarding compliance with Data Protection Legislation (including the technical security measures governing the processing to be carried out). In processing the Personal Data for Commercial Purposes, the Processors shall act only under the instructions from Dries Van Noten. We regularly check that our Processors comply with our instructions and that they continue to provide sufficient guarantees regarding their full compliance with Data Protection Legislation on Personal Data processing.
The Processors of your Personal Data for the above-mentioned purposes are:
- Company’s Customer service, for purposes related to the shipping, delivery and return of products purchased on the Website and customer service to users of the Website;
- Computer services, for purposes related to hosting Company’s servers;
- Payment platforms, for purposes related to the payment method and its execution;
- Logistic services, for purposes related to shipping and delivery and return of the products purchased on the Website.
- Marketing services, for the analysis of use of our Website, sending communications, managing advertising content, etc.
Your Personal Data is mostly processed by electronic means and, in some circumstances, by paper-based means, such as when the processing of your Personal Data is required for preventing fraud on the Website. Your Personal Data shall be stored in a way which allows us to identify you for the period necessary for the purposes which the data was collected for and subsequently processed and, in any case, in accordance with Data Protection Legislation. Your Personal Data shall not be disclosed to third-parties other than us for purposes which are not permitted by law or without your consent.
Aside from the Processors appointed for Personal Data processing, your Personal Data will be made available also to third-parties, autonomous controllers, for purposes related to supplying services requested by Users (for example, for purchase transactions) or for purposes of third-parties. For more information on the matter, see section 5 (To Whom Your Personal Data Will Be Disclosed).
For the Marketing Purposes, we may process your Personal Data as well as browsing data ("Traffic data") resulting from the use of the Website and of our services by any User, in order to provide Users with customized contents and offers on our services or to deliver any newsletter they subscribed to, subject to their discretionary right to withdraw their subscription to such newsletter or to oppose or object to the receiving of any advertising or marketing content which we think is of interest to a specific User. For Marketing Purposes, Personal Data and Traffic data is mostly processed by electronic means and shall be stored for us in any case, in accordance with Data Protection Legislation and available to our Processors.
Moreover, your Personal Data may be disclosed to the public authorities (e.g. police, judicial) according to applicable laws and upon a formal request by such entities, for example in the event we need to prevent fraud on the Site (anti-fraud services).
Data processors will also have access to your Personal Data as stated in section 3 for the specific purposes stated therein. In all the above circumstances, your consent for data processing is not required as Personal Data Processing would be necessary for the performance of Commercial Purposes.
The reasons for collecting Personal Data will be expressly listed in the information of privacy statement that we will present from time to time on the page asking the User to provide his or her Personal Data, be it for Commercial Purposes or for Marketing Purposes. We may have access to third-parties' Personal Data which was directly disclosed by its Users, for example when a User bought a product to be sent to a friend, when the User paying for the product is different from the recipient of the product, or when a User wishes to recommend to a friend a service of the Website or the sale of a particular product.
In all of the above cases, please make sure you receive the consent of such individuals before disclosing their Personal Data to us and make sure you inform them about this Privacy Policy; you will be the only person liable in connection with the disclosure of information and data regarding such third-parties if they have not provided you with their prior explicit consent for it and for any improper and unlawful use of that information. In any event, we shall fulfil any obligation to inform third-parties required by law and, when necessary, shall request their explicit consent upon registering in their archives the Personal Data of the User indicated.
4. What Happens if You Do Not Disclose Your Personal Data to us?
Granting your Personal Data to us (in particular, your personal details, your e-mail address, your address, your Credit/Debit Card numbers and bank code and your telephone number) is necessary for processing your order for the purchase of products on the Website, supplying other services provided on the Website upon your request, or when your Personal Data is needed to fulfil obligations required by law or regulations. The refusal to provide us with some of your Personal Data necessary for performing the above purposes may consequently prevent us from processing your order for the purchase of products sold on the Website or fulfilling obligations required by law and other regulations. Therefore, failing to provide Personal Data may constitute, in some cases, a legitimate and justified reason for not processing your order for the purchase of products sold on the Website or not providing the Website’s services.
Disclosure of further Personal Data to us other than that required for fulfilling legal or contractual obligations and to be properly browse our services with necessary traffic data is, on the contrary, optional and does not have any effect on the use of the Website and of its services or on the purchase of products on the Website. We will inform you at every step whether disclosing your Personal Data to us is compulsory or optional by marking with an appropriate symbol (*) the information that is compulsory or data needed for the purchase of products on the Website.
5. To whom your Personal Data will be disclosed?
Personal Data will be disclosed to third-party companies that provide, on behalf of the Company, specific services as data Processors or to other recipients of Personal Data collected by us that process your Personal Data only for the Commercial Purposes and, in any case, according to applicable laws and regulations.
Your Personal Data is also intended to the companies belonging to Puig’s Group, with registered offices in EU countries or non-EU countries, for their own Marketing Purposes.
Notwithstanding the foregoing, Personal Data will not be disclosed to any other third-parties or disseminated or transferred without informing our Users of such disclosure/dissemination/transfer, and, in any case, in accordance with the applicable laws.
6. Security Measures and length of conservation
We have adopted security measures to protect Personal Data against accidental or unlawful destruction, accidental loss, alteration, unauthorized disclosure or access, and against all other reasons for data processing that do not comply with our Privacy Policy.
For the best possible protection of your Personal Data outside the limits of our control and management of the same, it is advisable that your computer be provided with software devices that protect network data transmission/receipt (such as updated antivirus systems) and that your Internet service provider take appropriate measures for the security of network data transmission (such as, for example, firewalls and anti-spam filtering).
We will only hold your Personal Data for so long as is necessary for us to fulfil the purposes set out in this Privacy Notice. Where we no longer need to process your Personal Data for the purposes set out in this Privacy Notice, then we will delete your Personal Data from our system.
7. Transfer of your Personal Data to other countries
The Personal Data we collect from you is currently held within the European Union (‘EU’) and the United Kingdom (“UK”). However, it is possible that in the future such Personal Data may be transferred, stored and/or processed outside the EU and the UK.
By submitting your Personal Data, you agree to this transfer, storing and/or processing. You should be aware that countries outside the EU and the UK may not offer the same level of data protection as the EU and the UK. However, we will take reasonable steps to ensure that your Personal Data is given equivalent protection in accordance with the Data Protection Legislation, in particular by implementing adequate contractual conditions in our agreements with business partners dealing with transfer of Personal Data to ensure that Personal Data are processed according to our instructions, and in such a way to maintain their integrity and security.
8. Your rights in relation to your Personal Data
We set out below a summary of the rights available to you in connection with your Personal Data.
For your convenience, and without prejudice to certain formal requirements set out in the Data Protection Legislation, you can exercise any of these rights by contacting us at
- Right to withdraw your consent:
You may at any time withdraw the consent you give to the Company for processing your Personal Data. Please note, however, that where you do withdraw your consent or otherwise object to our processing of your Personal Data then this may impact on our ability to provide you with goods and services or affect the functionality of our Website.
In addition, if you want to stop receiving future marketing messages, communications and materials at any time, you can do so alternatively by clicking the 'unsubscribe' link which is included in all of our email marketing messages.
- Right to access your Personal Data in our possession:
You are entitled to obtain, at any time, confirmation from us as to whether or not we are processing your Personal Data and, where that is the case, access such Personal Data.
Moreover, you are entitled to receive from us information on the source of your Personal Data; the purposes and way of processing your Personal Data; the logic involved in any electronic data processing; details of the data controller and of the data processors; the names of the entities and categories of entities to whom your Personal Data may be disclosed or who may access your Personal Data, for example, as a data controller or a party so appointed.
- Right to have inaccurate Personal Data rectified:
You have the right to obtain from us without undue delay the rectification of inaccurate Personal Data that we hold and which concerns you. This includes the right to request that incomplete Personal Data is completed.
- Right to erasure:
You have the right to obtain from us the erasure without undue delay of Personal Data that we hold and which concerns you, in the circumstances as provided by Data Protection Legislation.
- Right to restriction of processing:
You have the right to restrict the way we process your Personal Data in the circumstances as provided by Data Protection Legislation.
- Right to data portability:
You have the right to receive from us the Personal Data concerning you which you have provided to us, in a structured, commonly used and machine readable format and have the right to transmit this data to another controller without hindrance from us. This right shall include the right to require us to transmit the relevant Personal Data to another controller on your behalf, where technically feasible. This right only applies to personal data that: (i) we gain your consent to process; or (ii) we obtain in order to perform our contractual obligations to you, and in each case to the extent we process your Personal Data by automated means.
- Right to lodge a complaint about us:
You are entitled to exercise your right to lodge a complaint with a competent supervisory authority, in particular in the Member State of your habitual residence, place of work or place of the alleged infringement if you consider that the processing of your personal data infringes Data Protection Legislation.
9. Opt-in/Opt out
Each time your consent is required, the Company will inform you in advance and will give you the option to either provide or refuse your consent for the use of your Personal Data, including your e-mail address, for the above purposes, by ticking the appropriate boxes.
We wish to inform you that we may process your Personal Data also without your consent in certain circumstances, such as when such processing is necessary for performing a legal obligation to which we are subject or when such processing is necessary for performing obligations undertaken in contracts with the users.
10. Contacts
You may contact the Company at any time at the following email address for any concern or question regarding this Privacy Policy and your Personal Data provided to the Company, or of you wish to receive further information on how we process your Personal Data.
11. Amendments and updating of this Privacy Policy
We may amend or simply update all or part of this Privacy Policy, including when amendments are made to legal provisions or regulations which govern data protection and protect your rights. The amendments and the updating of the Privacy Policy shall be binding as soon as they are published on the Website in this section. Therefore, you are requested to regularly access this section in order to check the publication of the most recent and updated Privacy Policy.
This Privacy Policy has been updated in March 2022
© VAN NOTEN ANDRIES NV., 2022. All rights reserved.